Cannot add any more new contacts



When I try to add a new contact or group to my contact list in windows mail
(Vista), the button blinks and then nothing happens. I'm still at the same
screen and there is no window or form to add a new contact. Any suggestions?

Gary VanderMolen

This problem seems related to the July 10 Windows Update KB933928.
Some people have obtained relief by uninstalling KB933928.
If all else fails, try upgrading to Windows Live Mail.

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

Agreed, but the average user would feel more comfortable
staying with a Microsoft solution. Also, the migration process
from WM to WLM is especially smooth; for example, it even
transfers message rules.

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

Thanks for the feedback.
It seems strange that an update ostensibly issued to improve
Vista's activation and validation process, could result in failure to
add new contacts.

Gary VanderMolen


Gary..I too have the same problem.....and have tried and tried to remove
KB933928.....several times. It doesn't seem to matter whether that update
is there or not....I get the same behavoir...."unable to choose recipients"
and the entire windows contacts functions are hosed up too....

I really don't want to restore to a previous point.....I'd like all the most
recent updates as possible and to get back windows contacts
working......removing singly KB933928 is not doing the trick for
I'm desperate and may have to call and pay for MS support to get this

Thanks for following this issue and all the help you gave to the many others
that are having the same problem.

Rod H

Gary VanderMolen

I agree that, in the long run, uninstalling Windows updates is an
unacceptable solution. I'd use it for a very short term fix, thereby
giving me time to assess other options. That said, at least one
poster here stated that he had to uninstall all recent updates,
not just KB933928, before the "unable to choose recipients" error
went away.

Your best solution is to upgrade Windows Mail to Windows Live

Gary VanderMolen


Thanks Gary..I did as you suggested and converted to Windows LIVE Mail from
Windows Mail. All my problems went away and importing my messages and
accounts from Mail to Live was fairly easy.
I did get the error:
"One or more messages in your outbox do not have a valid account specified"
, but after removing the default account and re-creating it manually, seemed
to reolve that problem too. Overall Windows Live will indeed be as good if
not better than Windows Mail. Thanks for the encouragement and the download
link to Windows Live Mail executable - much appreciated.

Best Regards, Rod

Gary VanderMolen

Thanks for the feedback.
I wouldn't be recommending WLM if I didn't think it is a better
(and less buggy) product than WM.

Gary VanderMolen


I decided to give WLM a try. I imported all the settings from WM, but now I
can't seem to receive mail. The only difference I can see is that in WM I do
not check the authentification box for incoming mail. In WLM I have to check
one of three boxes. I tried all of them but still can't recieve mail. Any


NBC said:
I decided to give WLM a try. I imported all the settings from WM, but now
can't seem to receive mail. The only difference I can see is that in WM I
not check the authentification box for incoming mail. In WLM I have to
one of three boxes. I tried all of them but still can't recieve mail.

Perhaps you are getting screwed by Norton or McAfee antivirus.

Are you not seeing any error messages?


Yes I am, here it is:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: 'Church', Server: '', Protocol: POP3,
Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F


NBC said:
Yes I am, here it is:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: 'Church', Server: '', Protocol: POP3,
Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

If a Norton or McAfee av user...

Consider uninstalling it entirely and using a tried and tested,
free, compatible alternative such as
but don't use the superfluous email scanning component.

See here


Please leave a little pertinent text from the message to which you are
replying because it helps to see things in context and not everyone will
necessarilly have seen the previous post.

Gary VanderMolen

Bad news. It turns out that your mail server is one of the few that
causes WLM's APOP bug to occur. There is no fix at this time.
Microsoft has indicated that the next WLM release will have that
issue fixed.
All you can do for now is download the emails from that account
by some other means. If you need help re-creating the shortcut
for WM, let me know.

Gary VanderMolen

Aditya Jairam

Hey Gary,

Thanks for the quick insight...the windows live mail rocks...and hope this
works without interruption...

Aditya Jairam

Kathy, oceanside, ca

I have asked this before, but now have made more changes. I uninstalled
mirosoft office 2000, everything. then did the windows mail. Then checked my
programs and I do not have this update, but I just received this computer
about three weeks ago. So what shall I do, I still cannot open the new
contacts window. It acts like a blocked pop-up window of sorts. Besides doing
windows live mail (I really don't want to have a hotmail email address).

Gary VanderMolen

There is no requirement for you to have a Hotmail address in order
to use Windows Live Mail. Where did you get that idea?
Windows Live Mail does everything that Windows Mail does, plus
it has the added *option* of using a Hotmail account if you wish.

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