Cannot access Recent folder



Hi everyone,
I cannot acess my Recent folder which is under "C:\Documents and
Settings\zaki". Whenever i clicked it it shows a dialouge box saying
"Access Denied." How can i solve this issue ?



Thanks for your help.
I got the security tab. But whenever I add the user it remains only for
that session. After log off the settings is gone.



Thanks for your help.
I got the security tab. But whenever I add the user it remains only
for that session. After log off the settings is gone.


Perhaps you can give a bit more detail about what exactly you mean by
"access Recent folder". What are you trying to do? Remember that we
can't see your computer from here. Here are some further questions to
help focus the answers you get:

1. Did this function ever work? If so, what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't? Install any software, drivers,

2. What is the virus/malware status of the machine? Although off-hand
this doesn't sound like an infection, knowing that one is working with
a clean system is key in troubleshooting. Be sure your computer is

3. Are there any problems listed in Event Viewer?
Start>Run>eventvwr.msc [enter]

4. Are you have any other problems with the machine? If so, what? Be

5. What other troubleshooting have you done so far?



Thanks for your reply.

Let me tell you in deatils how I jumped in to this problem.

One day i was trying to save a html file in the HDD, save as dialouge
box came and another box showing - "C:\Documents and
Settings\zaki\Recent is not accessible. Access is denied."

But i can able to save the file in any other location like desktop or
in some directory.

Then I locate the recent folder but i cannot accesse the folder, same
message popped up.

The i checked the security settings as you told - no entry of user
"zaki" for that folder. But other folders under "Document and
Settings/zaki" is fine. I changed the permission, it worked only for
that session, but after reboot it is same.

I am running updated AVG Antivirus, Windows Firewall and adaware - no
trace of any infection.

I used tweakui to disable recent folder from start menu, I enabled that
one but that did not help.

I checked the eventvwr for any entry while I try to access the Recent
folder but no entry.

If you have any query please feel free to ask.

Thanks again for your gracious help.


Thanks for your reply.

Let me tell you in deatils how I jumped in to this problem.

One day i was trying to save a html file in the HDD, save as dialouge
box came and another box showing - "C:\Documents and
Settings\zaki\Recent is not accessible. Access is denied."

But i can able to save the file in any other location like desktop or
in some directory.

This happened because the Recent Documents is not a place for you to
save data! The Recent Documents function just gives you shortcuts to
things you have recently used for convenience. The next time you want
to save something, use the navigation box to go to My Documents or to
another folder on your hard drive that is not a system folder.

For home users, it is best to save in My Documents so all your data is
in one location for easy backup. Create folders inside My Documents for
more fine-grained organization.



I dont want to save file in the recent folder. But why i cant access
the folder, that's my confusion ?


I dont want to save file in the recent folder. But why i cant access
the folder, that's my confusion ?

Because it isn't a folder that you would normally access the way you are
trying to access it. It is a system folder that allows you to have a
quick way of opening a recent document. I can't imagine why you would
want to access this folder anyway. It makes no sense.

Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
RE: Why access "My Recent Documents"?

There is, in fact, at least one very good reason to access the "Recent" folder. It provides an expeditous way to edit items listed on the start menu under "My Recent Documents;" otherwise, one either must purge the entire list or clear items one at a time by right clicking on them, hitting delete, and OK. Rather cumbersome.

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