cannot access database....


Lee Taylor-Vaughan

Help! (please)

I am trying to open my .mdb file and i am getting the following error upon
opening it:

"the microsoft jet database engine stopped the process because you and
another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time"

after i click ok the datbase exits.

i tried to compact/repair the database, but i get an 'excusive' needed

I tried holding down the shift key when double clicking the mdb file --still
get the same error.

i tried creating a blank database and then importing the tables, i get the
same error as above when i select the database.

this file is on my lap top, there are no other people, or user accounts
trying to open this file.

does anyone have a solution, PLEASE.



Larry Linson

Sounds as if your database is corrupted.

If you didn't, open Access without a database, specifying Exclusive Use.

Depending on the version, you may have some luck opening in a later version
of Access.

The best collection of links and info on corruption, how to avoid it, and
how to fix it that I have found is MVP Tony Toews' site,

If all else fails, you can contact Peter Miller at for a free estimate. He has an excellent
reputation for recovering Access data from damaged databases.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Lee Taylor-Vaughan

Thank you...

I managed to load a backup copy --which i forgot i had. Thanks for the tip


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