"cancel" caption doesn't show up on cancel dialog



My cancel button macro works.
When I click "cancel" on my form it gives the normal cancel dialog but it
just has an okay button on it, no words saying "cancel". There is no other
option, when you push cancel it cancels but it gives the dialog box and lets
you push the okay button. I think that is fine but it should say "cancel".
I looked on the properties window:
cancel = true
default = true
enabled = true
take focus on click = true
tab stop = true
also the caption is "Cancel"

I tried this on the cancel macro.

Public Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

do you know how to make it say "cancel"?



Not just 100% sure what you want. Do you want to show a message box to the
user and give them the opprotunity to really cancel or not...

If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to cancel?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Cancel") = vbYes Then Unload Me


Maybe you are right since they already choose cancel. it just looks weird,
it is a dialog box with no words on it except the okay button and with it
saying nothing it looks like there is nothing to do. I tried it your way and
it looks better.

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