Can you change the color of one cell based on the color of another



I have a list of items to be completed in one column. As the items are
completed I color the cell green. There is another column that I would like
to color green as the items in the first column are colored. Is there a way
to link the colors of the cells so that when I change the color of one cell
the color of another cell changes also?


You should look into Conditional Formatting for both cells. There would
need to be a column or something that you mark to indicate that a item is
complete. That would be the easiest way to accomplish both tasks.


Not directly by looking at the colour but you can look at the condition in
your first cell to change your second cell. For example say you set A1 to
green when A1 is >75.

In C1 you can also look at the value of A1 and change the colour using the
same condition this time using a formula. Select C1 and conditional
formatting - formula is =A1>75.

Any good?



You could set up a conditional format for both cells and have an
=IF((A1)="Done",1,0) and conditionally format the second cell so it changes
when the true statement = 1. If you choose not to have the number show up in
the second cell then just format the font to the same color. I did a similar
function in my department dashboard and now all I have to do is enter the raw
data and everything changes colors appropriately. It is a work of art.

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