Can xp recovery partition get virus?



My sister has a newer Compaq with XP HE. The PC has a "Recovery Partition"
(D drive) instead of XP or recovery CD's. Her kids virused it up real bad,
and I used the F10 option to recover. After recovery, there were still some
old programs in there, plus some viruses. Can the Recovery Partition have
gotten infected also? Is there a way to do a clean re-install on the PC that
has no CD's? Thanks much.


Thanks PA Bear,

but I'm not using System Restore, but the actual Recovery that's "supposed"
to make the PC like it came "from the factory". I would think that would
supercede any System Restore settings.


DK1000 said:
Thanks PA Bear,

but I'm not using System Restore, but the actual Recovery that's
"supposed" to make the PC like it came "from the factory". I would
think that would supercede any System Restore settings.

No. Your sister did not do the full destructive factory restore. Compaqs
and HPs have a choice - you have to go to the Advanced settings in
their restore program (F10) to do the full factory restore.


PA Bear

OIC. See Malke's reply.
Thanks PA Bear,

but I'm not using System Restore, but the actual Recovery that's
"supposed" to make the PC like it came "from the factory". I would think
that would supercede any System Restore settings.


Thanks, I'll try the F10 advanced settings today, I didn't notice that
option last time, but I was there half awake at 2am trying to do it, maybe
that had something to do with it.


DK1000 said:
My sister has a newer Compaq with XP HE. The PC has a "Recovery Partition"
(D drive) instead of XP or recovery CD's. Her kids virused it up real bad,
and I used the F10 option to recover. After recovery, there were still some
old programs in there, plus some viruses. Can the Recovery Partition have
gotten infected also? Is there a way to do a clean re-install on the PC that
has no CD's? Thanks much.

Yes, any partition can get virus infected.

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