Can VLOOKUP return null value?


Mark H.

When the VLOOKUP function refers to a blank cell, it
returns the number 0. I want it to return null. I can
use the ISBLANK function to test if the cell is blank, but
how can I have it return a null value? A zero length
string ("") won't work (because I'm importing this data
into Access, and a zero length string imported into a text
field, for some reason, generates an error). Thanks for
any tips.


Re the Access issue, have you tried to go into Table
design and set the Allow Zero Length property of the field
to "Yes"?

Mark H.

Yes I have, and it still doesn't work. It is a mystery to
me (and to my tech support desk) as to why not. By all
explanations in Access help for the AllowZeroLength
property, this should work.


Sorry to pile a question on top of an answer, but is
there a difference between a null value and having a
function such as =if(a1="","",else whatever) returning
a ""? And if so, is there an ASCII designation for a
null value, so that the replacement for "" could be =char
() where you insert the right number between the

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