Can this be done?



Public Function fSearchList(Optional whichField As Byte)

Dim i As Byte 'counter

Dim sql_And_or_Where As String 'Used to store the SQL word "AND" or
'depending on whether or not the
existing SQL
'statement contains the word "AND".

Dim j As Integer 'another counter

Dim slField As Control 'A control variable representing the
search-list textbox
Dim new_slSQL As String 'Used to store the SQL string for
later use
Dim criteriaFound As Boolean
Dim ActiveField_Set As Boolean
Dim k As Integer 'another counter
Dim slCriteria_Field() As String
Dim addSpace As Boolean 'for programmatically adding a space
to the search text, if it was entered
Dim adjustOrderBy As Boolean 'Adjust "ORDER BY" SQL
Dim err_2185_Flag As Byte 'used in error handling at the end
of this function

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Select Case whichField 'whichField variable is the number
of the active
'search text box, for example:
"Company Name" = 2

Case sl_Initialize 'sl_Initialize constant is for
nullifying all
'search-list text boxes.

For i = 1 To slFieldLimit 'slFieldLimit is assigned when the
search screen
'loads for the first time. For
'Client Search form has slFieldLimit
of 8

slForm("txtSL" & i) = Null 'Nullify each search-list
text box.

Next i

Case Else

If whichField <> 0 Then

If slActiveField.ControlType = acTextBox Then
'slActiveField is set when the textbox receives the focus

err_2185_Flag = 1 'This
flag is used in error handling at the end of this function

If Right(slActiveField.Text, 1) = " " Then ' if a space
was entered

addSpace = True

End If
End If

End If

End Select

slForm("SF").SetFocus 'slForm is the form object set to the search
form (example: "Admin")
'"SF" is a textbox that receives the focus
at times when nothing else should
'receive the focus.

new_slSQL = slSQL 'This variable holds the SQL string and is
used to recontruct it.

sql_And_or_Where = " WHERE " 'The default assignment to this string
variable is " WHERE " because
'that is what is used at the first
firing of this function. It is later
'changed to " AND " when more search
criteria is entered in other text boxes.

For i = 1 To slFieldLimit 'Loop through each search field

For j = 1 To Len(new_slSQL) 'Loop through each character of the
SQL string

If Mid(new_slSQL, j, 5) = "WHERE" Then 'If the word "WHERE"
is found in the SQL string

sql_And_or_Where = " AND " 'Change the variable
value to " AND "

Exit For 'Exit Loop

End If

Next j

Set slField = slForm("txtSL" & i) 'Set the slField to
the specific textbox analyzed at this i

If Nz(slField, "") <> "" Then 'If the value of
slField is not nothing

'Assign the criteria to the new_slSQL string using the textbox's
Tag property and the LIKE operator
new_slSQL = new_slSQL & sql_And_or_Where & slField.Tag & " LIKE
'*" & slField & "*' "

adjustOrderBy = True

End If

Next i

Select Case sl_Special_Field_Control_Name

Case "Nothing", ""

Case Else

Set slField = slForm(sl_Special_Field_Control_Name)

new_slSQL = new_slSQL & sql_And_or_Where & slField.Tag & " "

adjustOrderBy = True

Debug.Print new_slSQL

End Select

With slListbox

'.RowSource = new_slSQL & "ORDER BY " & slSQL_OrderBy

.RowSource = new_slSQL & "ORDER BY " & slSQL_OrderBy


If .ListCount = 0 Then

slListCount_Label.Caption = .ListCount & _
" record" & IIf(.ListCount = 1, "", "s") & " listed."


slListCount_Label.Caption = Format(.ListCount, "##,###") & _
" record" & IIf(.ListCount = 1, "", "s") & " listed."

End If

If .ListCount = 1 Then

.Selected(0) = True


.Value = 0

End If

End With

If ActiveField_Set = True Then


With slActiveField

If .ControlType = acTextBox Then

If .Enabled Then .SetFocus

If Not IsNull(slActiveField) Then

.SelStart = Len(slActiveField)

End If

If addSpace = True Then slActiveField = slActiveField & " "

If Not IsNull(slActiveField) Then

.SelStart = Len(slActiveField)

End If

End If

End With


If sl_Current_Field <> 0 Then

Set slActiveField = slForm("txtSL" & sl_Current_Field)

GoTo ActiveField_Set_Block



End If

End If

Exit Function


Select Case Err.number

Case 2185 'You cant reference a control unless the control has the

Select Case err_2185_Flag

Case 1

GoTo skip_Block1

Case Else

Resume Next

End Select

End Select

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Next

End Function

David W. Fenton

Public Function fSearchList(Optional whichField As Byte)

Er, I'm not about to pore over your poorly formatted code to figure
out what question you're asking, but I'm pretty sure your question
has absolutely ZILCH to do with replication, and shouldn't be
crossposted to the replication newsgroup.

Larry Linson


Obviously, it can be done, as you did it, and posted it. Now whether it
accomplished your purpose or not, we couldn't say, as you didn't explain

Surely you don't expect that volunteers who answer questions here have the
time and energy to copy your code, reformat it into some semi-readable form,
analyze it and try to guess what you intended, then test it to see if it did
what they think you were trying to do. Surely you don't?

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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