Can the table or query object properties be enabled in an adp?



I work with Microsoft Access Projects connected to a SQL Server 2000
database. Objects contained in the project (forms, reports..) have have
properties that display and can be edited (description). But the properties
of tables and queries are disabled (grayed out). These objects are reside in
SQL Server which is obviousely the problem. Is there any way to enable these
properties? I would like very much to give discriptions to my tables and

Brendan Reynolds

This doesn't appear to be possible, regardless of whether the tables are SQL
Server or local or linked Jet tables. The help file says ...

The AccessObjectProperties collection isn't accessible for objects derived
from the CurrentData object (for example, CurrentData.AllTables!Table1). For
objects derived in this manner, you can only access their built-in
properties by direct calls to the desired property (for example,

The Description property is not one of the properties available in this way.

In my tests, any attempt to refer to the Properties collection of an
AccessObject derived from the CurrentData object results in error 2467, "The
expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist."

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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