Can`t send mails



Hello I can dispatch none mails. Mistake protocol:

Fehler bei der Verbindung zum Server. Betreff 'test', Konto: 'post - Ralf',
Server: '', Protokoll: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): Nein,
Socketfehler: 10061, Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC0E


Hello many thanks the problem is really after one updates from Norton
appeared. Now I have switched off emailscan, now, however, there comes this

Fehler bei der Verbindung zum Server. Betreff 'test', Konto: 'post - Ralf',
Server: '', Protokoll: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): Nein,
Socketfehler: 10060, Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC0E

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Have you ever been able to Send in Windows Mail from the account as it's
currently configured?

Peter Foldes


You did not do as I posted. With Norton and especially with Norton you need to
uninstall this AV suite. Then you re-install it without the email integration
(scanning ) option. Just by disabling the email scanning it will not work with
Norton. You have to uninstall and then re-install with no scanning selected

luis santos

Ralf said:
Hello I can dispatch none mails. Mistake protocol:

Fehler bei der Verbindung zum Server. Betreff 'test', Konto: 'post -
Server: '', Protokoll: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): Nein,
Socketfehler: 10061, Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC0E


Hello to thanks for the news. I have uninstalled Norton, in the meantime and
have installed a virus programme with which I never had difficulties. (I am
anyhow no friend from norton, however, that was already on topical pc),
Nevertheless still there comes the same error message. Up to the update of
Norton I could send mails, with the settings exist like they, has tried
already other settings what, however, did nothing...... what change now????

Fehler bei der Verbindung zum Server. Betreff 'test', Konto: 'post - Ralf',
Server: '', Protokoll: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): Ja,
Socketfehler: 10060, Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC0E

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