Can receive but not send emails



I see there are alot of posts about this, but I couldn't get an answer for
it. I CAN get the messages out of my outbox and delete them, but I can't send
anything. I also can receive messages, but I get this error message when I
try to send one:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'hi', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol:
SMTP, Port: 8081, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number:

We did just renew our McAfee around the same time? Connected?
I'd appreciate any ideas. I haven't been able to send since 7/4
Thank You!


Stacy said:
I see there are alot of posts about this, but I couldn't get an answer for
it. I CAN get the messages out of my outbox and delete them, but I can't
anything. I also can receive messages, but I get this error message when
try to send one:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'hi', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol:
SMTP, Port: 8081, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number:

We did just renew our McAfee around the same time? Connected?
I'd appreciate any ideas. I haven't been able to send since 7/4
Thank You!
McAfee tends to cause assorted problems with Windows Mail, such
as blocking you from sending, although seldom immediately. You may
need to uninstall it. You then often need to reboot, then download
and run this cleanup program:


You may also need to remove your email account under Windows
Mail, then restart Windows Mail and add the account again.

Also check if you need this hotfix:

Gary VanderMolen

Who told you to use port 8081? Not only is that highly unusual, but I could
not connect to that server on port 8081. It did respond on port 25.
Even port 25 is going to be troublesome because most ISPs block it,
for the reason explained here:

Your best workaround is to replace that SMTP server with your ISP's
SMTP server.


Thanks for your response!

How would I find out what my ISP's server port is? I was told to use 8081 by
a webserving host that I set up my business through. I'm not computer savvy,
so I'm not sure how to find out this info.
I've had my windows mail working through this port for 7 months. Just now is
it not working.


For questions about Outlook, you're likely to get a better answer
if you ask in a newsgroup meant for Outlook, such as:


Mention which version of Outlook you have, and that you're
running it under Vista, in case this affects your answer.

Gary VanderMolen

Did port 8081 ever work for you? According to my test, that server is
not programmed to respond on port 8081. Get back to the webhost
and explain to them what is happening. Perhaps you misunderstood,
or they have changed to a different SMTP port. If they tell you to use
port 25, that is not likely to work either, depending on your local ISP's


Yep, I've been using port 8081 for 7 months now since I first set up my
account. I have AOL as a provider, so I guess I should just contact them to
find out.
Thanks for all your help! It's been so frustrating, especially when you run
a business and can't email your customers!!
Thanks again :0)

Gary VanderMolen

AOL has nothing to do with the server.
Only your web hosting provider has jurisdiction over that.

It is unfortunate that your ISP is AOL, because they won't allow
you to send email through them using your business identity.
Most other ISPs don't care what you put in the 'From' field.

One other option is to get a free Gmail account, then use its
SMTP server for your business email. Gmail allows you to
change the 'From' address to whatever you want as long as you
first register it with them.


Stacy said:
I see there are alot of posts about this, but I couldn't get an answer for
it. I CAN get the messages out of my outbox and delete them, but I can't send
anything. I also can receive messages, but I get this error message when I
try to send one:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'hi', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol:
SMTP, Port: 8081, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number:

We did just renew our McAfee around the same time? Connected?
I'd appreciate any ideas. I haven't been able to send since 7/4
Thank You!


i too have the same problems as yours..what ever i send it comes back to me
with error message. about smtp server not found...did you find any
solution?or you know anyting about this it will be great help.
thank you

Gary VanderMolen

Did you read my response to "Stacy"?

If you would like custom help, post a copy of your complete error


We have aol and we found that their server is different for outgoing mail.
Try going to the task bar, click on "tools" > "accounts" > a dialog box will
pop up that says mail. Single click to highlight on the tower icon that says Click on the button on the right that says "properties" Click
on the tab that says "Server" There is an incoming mail dialog box that says Try typing into the outgoing mail dialog box. I had
to check the authentication box and now I have mail both ways. Hope this
saves someone a bit of frustration.

Gary VanderMolen

Although we appreciate your effort, it is better not to confuse the OP
with random advice that may or may not apply.

Thank you.

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