Can Ping, But Not Browse or Email



I'm setting up a 2nd user in XP Home, using dialup for
internet access. The first user was succesfully setup as
a client using broadband via the Host (ICS in Win98SE.)

The 2nd user can connect with ISP dialup and ping internet
hosts, but I'm unabe to get IE6 to browse or OE6 to send
or receive mail.

I've diabled (unplugged) the network when the 2nd user is
logged in. There are no firewalls running (neither XP's or
3rd party).
I've tried various settings on the TCP/IP to no avail.

OE gives error 0x800CCC15 on port 25 when attempting to
send, which MS states is a "socket error".

I've gone over the configs with the ISP and they are as
stumped as I am (it doesn't take much to reach that point
for either of us :)

All suggestions greatly appreciated!


I'm setting up a 2nd user in XP Home, using dialup for
internet access. The first user was succesfully setup as
a client using broadband via the Host (ICS in Win98SE.)

The 2nd user can connect with ISP dialup and ping internet
hosts, but I'm unabe to get IE6 to browse or OE6 to send
or receive mail.

I've diabled (unplugged) the network when the 2nd user is
logged in. There are no firewalls running (neither XP's or
3rd party).
I've tried various settings on the TCP/IP to no avail.

OE gives error 0x800CCC15 on port 25 when attempting to
send, which MS states is a "socket error".

I've gone over the configs with the ISP and they are as
stumped as I am (it doesn't take much to reach that point
for either of us :)

All suggestions greatly appreciated!
What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to share your
broadband connection on Machine #1 with Machine #2 that currently uses

If that's the case, personally I recommend you dump the buggy ICS
(which stands for Internet Crappy Sharing) software provided by MS,
and purchase a broadband router. They can be found for about $50 or
less with rebates.

Follow the instructionis included with the router and within minutes
you'll be sharing your broadband on both machines, without depending
on the "host" being turned on. Not only that, but the router will let
you share files between the two networked machines. It's the best
route to go.


Thanks, but no, I'm not trying to share the dialup

I neglected to say that this PC is to replace one at
our "weekend shack", where broadband isn't available. I
assembled this new machine here at our main home and
connected to our broadband net merely to a) perform the
usual start-up Windows updates and b) transfer some
files/settings form our primary PCs.

My wife and I will both share this PC, albeit
infrequently; hence the multiple user login setup.

Soooo, I *do* need to get the basic dialup internet
connectivity working before i take it to its fianl
destination :) A dialup connection is normally so simple
to set up, I just can't imagine what the prob is!?

Meanwhile, our home net works just fine, sharing the
broadband ICS via a phone wiring network (Netgear PA-101s)
which, I know, is far from "state of the art"!

Thanks again.

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