Can only Run IE 6 by right clicking and Using Run As



System Specs:
Dell 2.4Ghz 1Gig Ram
XP Pro SP2
SBC DSL with 2Wire Modem
Norton Antivirus
IE6 (downloaded the Yahoo - Anti Spy) no problems at my Work, could be cause
at home, I guess. That's all the important.

Even after I get IE 6 running by Right Clicking and Clicking Run As, I still
can not use Windows Update from the Tools Menu. I get an Error: 0x8DDD0002

Which states - To install items from Windows Update, you must be logged on
as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. If your computer
is connected to a network, network policy settings might also prevent you
from completing this procedure.

I am the Admin, that's the funny thing. I think this problem started right
after installing WU5, Windows Update Version 5.

I can also not use the Outlook Express icon from the Browser to Read Mail,
but I can just open that from my Windows shortcut. If I just have Outlook
open it will not open IE if I click on a Link.

Anybody got any ideas besides delete all third party items?

Garry Watts


I had a similar problem involving most of my programs and I partially
resolved by creating a new profile and then deleting the old one after
copying any relevant info. After this only MS Money wouldn't run.. However
a couple of days leter I ran disk cleanup and it did just that literally!
So it was reformat and reinstall all. I'm still not sure of what happened
and I consider myself an experienced user. It just seems that these days we
have less and less control over our PCs.



Yikes, I hope I don't have to do that. I honestly haven't installed anything
new lately except for that WU5 and some SP2 automatic updates.

I'll post back if I ever get it to work, maybe I'll try making a new user
account first. Then shut down tasks one by one.

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