Can multiple formulas be inserted in a single cell?


Ivan Koh

Hi all,

is it possible for multiple formulas to be inserted into a cell?

I currently have a cell in worksheet a that already has a formula inserted
in it. However, is it possible to put another formula in place to convert an
initial result, e.g '0' to then start another formula?


Mike H


The answer is maybe!!. You can have 2 formula in a cell and here's and example

=22/7 &" " & 2^6

What you can't do is have the second formula take the result of the first.

Perhaps you mean an if statement that evaluates something then can do
different things depending on the outcome

=if(a1=1,do this, do something else)

Give an example of what you trying to do.



In addition to what Mike H said, you can use a formula as a "variable" within
a formula. You mentioned "converting" an initial result.

Lets say that you have a formula in a cell that needs to use a value twice
the size of the value in A1 somewhere for some reason, then

= (X1 + B4) / (Z3 * (A1*2))

or maybe you need to use a value of 2 if A1 = "Good" and 3 if A1 doesn't
equal "Good"
= (X1 + B4) / (Z3 * (If(A1="Good",2,3) * 2))

If you can be more specific with that part of your question, we can probably
be more specific in our answers.

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