can I use 1 copy of Outlook on my desktop and laptop



Does anyone know, can I use 1 cpoy of Outlook 2007 on both my laptop and
desktop under the same license?


What does the EULA say (Trust Centre)?
Presumably Outlook not being part of an Office suite

Joe Grover

You'll need to check the license agreement for the version you have
purchased. Under normal circumstances if you have Office 2007 (any version
except the Home and Student edition) then you can install it on a PC and a
portable device as dictated by the following text from the agreement:

1. OVERVIEW. These license terms permit installation and use of one
copy of the software on one device, along with other rights, all as
described below.
2. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. Before you use the software under a
license, you must assign that license to one device. That device is the
“licensed device.†A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a
separate device.
a. Licensed Device. You may install and use one copy of the software on
the licensed device.
b. Portable Device. You may install another copy on a portable device
for use by the single primary user of the licensed device.

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