Can I reduce XPE's boot time to 5s?


Slobodan Brcin

Can you reduce your image to less than 20 files? This can be done, but you
probably wont be satisfied with this.

Everything is possible :)
But load time is mostly proportional to platform speed, and OS size.

Really, what do you need from XPE, what level of functionality.

Best regards,


I want my notebook to be used as a DVD player.
When I start XPE, it can boot in 5s and play DVD.

Sean Liming \(eMVP\)


As Slobodan has pointed out, you will find this a bit difficult. An
alternative is Hibernation which provides a fast boot time, but you will
need space to store the hibernation file.


Sean Liming
Author: Windows NT Embedded Step-By-Step and XP Embedded Advanced.

Heidi Linda

OK, I'll admit I once had a system 'dual' booting to SuSE
Linux, Win2k, Win98 and OS/2 Warp, and that when I first
got my iBook I had Win98, NT4Server and Win2kServer on
VPC, alongside SuSE, OS9 and OSX natively... but I really
don't see the point of this.
I never turn my iBook off. When I've finished with him, I
shut the lid. When I need to use him again I open him up
and off we go, pretty much immediately. Stick in a DVD and
the player pops up and starts automatically. Why mess
around with special partitions when putting the machine to
sleep rather than off works so much better? Is sleep on
PCs that bad?


Thank you for your feedback.
But this it my assignment. I must try to do that or find reason why it
"Heidi Linda" <[email protected]> ????
OK, I'll admit I once had a system 'dual' booting to SuSE
Linux, Win2k, Win98 and OS/2 Warp, and that when I first
got my iBook I had Win98, NT4Server and Win2kServer on
VPC, alongside SuSE, OS9 and OSX natively... but I really
don't see the point of this.
I never turn my iBook off. When I've finished with him, I
shut the lid. When I need to use him again I open him up
and off we go, pretty much immediately. Stick in a DVD and
the player pops up and starts automatically. Why mess
around with special partitions when putting the machine to
sleep rather than off works so much better? Is sleep on
PCs that bad?

Jonathan Swift

Well, hibernation is one way. My Desktop PC has suspend-to-ram (S3, I
think) capability - and that's what I use. So it only actually gets
rebooted occasionally (for a Patch or update). Power-on from pressing the
button is around 5-7 seconds (well, it is only a PIII 866Mhz) !

Even my NetGem iPlayer (DTT box) does the same. Completely power-off and
it'll take something like 30-45 seconds to boot (it runs Linux inside using
disk-on-a-chip), but from standby to on is around 1 second.



Oh *management*. Know that feeling. I'm still waiting for my tasks list
to include nailing jelly to the walls.

Simon Wilton

Can you get your PCs POST to under 5s in the 1st place? Most of the boards
I've used recently take between 6 and 10 seconds to get to the point where
they start reading the OS.

If this sort of boot speed is what you need then XPe on a PC platform is
probably not what you want. Take a look at CE.NET - and a hardware platform
that is tailored to take advantage of it.


Slobodan Brcin

Can you get your PCs POST to under 5s in the 1st place? Most of the boards
I've used recently take between 6 and 10 seconds to get to the point where
they start reading the OS.

I once had some QDI PC motherboard. It had feature that when enabled would
skip all POST tests, and PNP detections.
So when you have added all hardware to PC, and first time successfully boot,
then you can go to BIOS and enable this option. PC will stop any further
attempt to find or remove hardware from configuration.
Dangerous, but it could start booting within 1 second.

So there is always an option of finding such hardware or updating BIOS
If this sort of boot speed is what you need then XPe on a PC platform is
probably not what you want. Take a look at CE.NET - and a hardware platform
that is tailored to take advantage of it.

Probably right.


Slobodan Brcin

I want my notebook to be used as a DVD player.
When I start XPE, it can boot in 5s and play DVD.

1. You can use hibernation like suggested or most likely you can't.
You will need fast HDD that will be able to load hiber image within 5s.
If you don't want to use HDD then this is not a option.
And what if you have power loses?
You probably can't use EWF.
And who know what other problems may be found ahead is you chose this path.

2. You will have to make image not more than 10 MB.
Even is you find ultra fast flash device it wont go above 8MB/s with read
speed. (At least this is max speed I saw in datasheets, I wish to have even
that speed)
The more things you add to image windows will need more time to boot, and to
load. And you can't do anything to speed it up.
So you can't use win32 subsystem (that means you can't use anything from
usermode (anything you can see)).

You must make user interface and DVD decoder, etc from scratch in kernel
But this it my assignment. I must try to do that or find reason why it

You can always change OS, but then it probably wont be your assignment
It can't be done because you will need great deal of time, and all your
programmers should be able to do kernel programming.
For MPEG2, MPEG4 decoder you can use Intel samples and libraries called
"Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives v4.0 for Windows"

I have managed to shift functionality of our project 70% to kernel in over
the one year of work. But most of it already must be made as driver to
support our hardware. 30 % related to compression is still in user mode. And
complete user interface is in user mode, it is where it should be. Our XPE
image size if around 60MB, and this is not acceptable to you.

Choices you must make are hard, and it is yours.

Wish you luck,

Heidi Linda

See Slobodan's post for reasons why this won't work - you
might well have more luck with something like CE, or
possibly even embedded BSD. I have a friend on the dev
team for that who is constantly telling me how much better
it is than XPe. She fails to grasp that BSD does not, in
fact, meet our requirements. If you think that it might
meet yours, however, I can put you in touch with her.


Thank you very much!
I have tried to place system into hibernation mode.
It takes 5s to load hiber image.

I know nothing about embedded BSD. I like to learn something about that.
I have known nothing about embedded BSD.
"Heidi Linda" <[email protected]> ????
See Slobodan's post for reasons why this won't work - you
might well have more luck with something like CE, or
possibly even embedded BSD. I have a friend on the dev
team for that who is constantly telling me how much better
it is than XPe. She fails to grasp that BSD does not, in
fact, meet our requirements. If you think that it might
meet yours, however, I can put you in touch with her.


Heidi ,
thats perfectly right.If it is faster boot time then CE dominates
with its privileges.I even heard about a BSD manufacturer who
sucessfully booted CE even below 5 sec or equal to it.I need to do a
little bit of surfing to get that url again.(to double check the


Slobodan Brcin

I hate when I'm wrong.

This can be done, with heavy programming and XPE customization.

During some RAM boot tests I have conducted within past few days I have
noticed that my image is booting in 8 seconds.
But this time can be significantly reduced.
Size of my SDI file is 64 MB, and load to memory on my device for this is
little less than 4s.
You should be able to make smaller image that will be able to do playback of

Also you can make custom boot loader, than will have some unpacking ability
(let say something like zip).
That way you will probably be able to make compressed image around 20MB in
size with all required functionality.

So you should be able to make load time less than 2 sec.

And rest of speed up for XPE boot can be accomplished by turning off PNP,
removing all unnecessary drivers, services etc. Also I have many different
partitions in my test system, so without them file system should start

Bottom line is it is possible to approach 5s or go even bellow it for at
least DVD player.

Best regards,

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