Can I open two different Outlook identities, side-by-side?



Every once in a while, I want to copy something from an e-
mail located in my "commercial" e-mail account into an e-
mail I'm composing in one of my "personal" e-mail
accounts. The only way I've found is to save the new e-
mail as a draft, "switch identities," "copy" the section
of the other e-mail, "switch identies" again, and "paste"
into the new e-mail.

Is there any way of doing this by having two "identities"
open at once? (Within OE, not out on the ISP.)

(XP, OE 6.0)

George Hester

Regina your question is about Outlook Express not Outlook. Outlook is part of Microsoft Office. Outlook Express comes by default in all operating systems since Windows 98. It is contained and updated through installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Try asking your question in the com the newsgroup

But I think the answer to your question is, "No." One identity for each open instance of Outlook Express. If you open another instance of Outlook Express (if you can) it will use the same identity.

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