Can I integrate several pst's into a single outlook program?



In times past I've successfully transfered an 'old' pst (address book,
calendar, etc) to a new computer. However, I now have two pst's (of which
there is a great deal of redundancy in the files between the two ~ long

CAn I 'import' all of these pst's into
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application
and have them all show up? if there are duplicate emails on the two
accounts, will 'both' show in my mail folders, or will it simply show 'two
copies' of all redundant emails?

I'm very worried about trying this but it desperately needs to be done!


Brian Tillman

weaseldom said:
In times past I've successfully transfered an 'old' pst (address
book, calendar, etc) to a new computer. However, I now have two pst's
(of which there is a great deal of redundancy in the files between
the two ~ long story).

CAn I 'import' all of these pst's into
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application
and have them all show up?

No need. Put them in any folder you want to which you have permission,
taking care NOT to overwrite any existing PST of the same name. Start
Outlook and click FIle>Open>Outlook Data File (or Personal Folders File,
depending on version - which you didn't state), browse to the file, select
it, and click OK. You'll now have access to everything it contains.
if there are duplicate emails on the two
accounts, will 'both' show in my mail folders, or will it simply show
'two copies' of all redundant emails?

Don't confuse "account" with "personal folders file". They're completely
different. You'll have two sets of folders - one under "Outlook Today" and
one under whatever display name the added PST has (probably "Personal


I would make a new folder. Export the old folders. Import them into new
folder and I use this macro to remove dup emails. Hope it helps.
It's slow; so expect it to take a while. It only works on one folder; but a
little mod to it could make it do all folders. If someone has found a faster
way, let me know. I couldn't get the folder to sort so I had to look at each
mail item in the folder. The sort routine worked at app level; but when I
looked at it from in the macro, none were sorted.

Sub FindDups() 'look for emails
Dim omail As Outlook.MailItem, tmail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim intDashLoc As Integer
Dim intPeriodLoc As Integer
Dim flgException As Boolean
Dim intThisFolderItem As Integer, intTempFolderItem As Integer
Dim intSubCount As Integer
Dim intGameTurn As Integer, intCount As Integer
Dim intDay As Integer
Dim strSubject As String, strtSubject As String
Dim strTime As String, strtTime As String
Dim First As Boolean
Dim Deleted As Integer
Const intMaxMoves = 2 'power of ten 10^2
Dim dateTemp As Date, dateEmail As Date
Dim ThisFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
strLast = ""
strLastTime = ""

' Set ThisFolder = FindFolder("__Rotary")
Set ThisFolder = GetFolder

For intThisFolderItem = ThisFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
On Error GoTo DoNextI 'Errors on folders
flgSave = False
If intThisFolderItem = 0 Then GoTo DoNextI
On Error GoTo DoNextI
If ThisFolder.Items(intThisFolderItem).Class = 46 Then
Debug.Print ThisFolder.Items(intThisFolderItem)
GoTo DoNextI
End If

Set omail = ThisFolder.Items(intThisFolderItem)
On Error GoTo 0
strSubject = omail.Subject
strTime = omail.ReceivedTime
First = True
Deleted = 0
For intTempFolderItem = intThisFolderItem To 1 Step -1
On Error GoTo DoNextTemp
If ThisFolder.Items(intTempFolderItem).Class = 46 Then
GoTo DoNextTemp
End If

Set tmail = ThisFolder.Items(intTempFolderItem)
On Error GoTo 0
strtSubject = tmail.Subject
strtTime = tmail.ReceivedTime
If strSubject = strtSubject And strTime = strtTime Then
'Duplicate of last one
If Not First Then
Debug.Print tmail.Subject; " "; tmail.ReceivedTime;
" Deleted"; intTempFolderItem
Deleted = Deleted + 1
Debug.Print tmail.Subject; " "; tmail.ReceivedTime;
" First:"; intTempFolderItem
First = False
End If
End If
Next intTempFolderItem

' If flgSave Then
' omail.Subject = strSubject
' omail.Save
' End If

DoNextI: 'Graceful Error exit point
intThisFolderItem = intThisFolderItem - Deleted
' Debug.Print

Next intThisFolderItem
Set omail = Nothing 'destroy instance
Set tmail = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetFolder() As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim omail As Outlook.MailItem, tmail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim ThisFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim FolderName As String
Set GetFolder = Application.Explorers.Item(1).CurrentFolder
Debug.Print GetFolder.Name

End Function

Brian Tillman

Cyberchip said:
I would make a new folder. Export the old folders. Import them into
new folder and I use this macro to remove dup emails.

Thereby losing data.


First off let me say thank you.

I'm using Office XP (or Outloko XP as the case may be).

So I've copied all of the pst's & DAT file into one folder, being careful to
rename them so that none are overwrited.

If some of the pst's contain the same emails (thereby 'duplicated' betweent
the two files)...will this incur problems?

Basically~ now that I have them all in one file, should I 'copy and paste
these' into the Outlook location :
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application

I'm planning on 'leaving' the file with all of them as a backup...

I hope I'm making sense...I feel like I know just enough to get me into
trouble and this is not something I can afford to screw up.

Thank you again.

Brian Tillman

weaseldom said:
If some of the pst's contain the same emails (thereby 'duplicated'
betweent the two files)...will this incur problems?

Not al all.
Basically~ now that I have them all in one file, should I 'copy and
paste these' into the Outlook location :
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application

Just leave them where they are. No need to move them.

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