Can i disable/remove the personal contacts-folder



Hi, i got a question about a thing that i want to do with Microsoft Exchange
2003 & Outlook:

Can i make the public-contacts-folder as default???
Because i want all my colleagues to only use the PUBLIC-folder of the
contacts and not the personal...
When they are using their personal-contacts-folder it gets al messed up
because everybody got different contacts...!!

So what i want is to use only ONE central public contacts folder and i don't
want to have the PERSONAL contacts displayed (i want to have it
deleted/removed/not displayed/uninstalled/not used or whatever!)!

is it possible??
i don't know how to configure my exchange server this way?
I can also program VB/VBA or other programming languages, so maybe is the
solution to my outlook in programming?

Greetings & Thnx!!

Patrick de Jongh
Zeeman Vastgoed Beheer B.V.
Hoorn, The Netherlands

PS: Other then that problem i have ---> Outlook is working GREAT!! :)


No what??
and why not??
Because i'm seeing this a major flaw of Outlook!!

i thought i could have a better answer of Microsoft...
very unprofessional!!!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you want to provide feedback to Microsoft on this feature, see

If you want to program a COM add-in yourself, you could build and install a
program on all machines to do something whenever the user tries to use their
own Contacts folder, but I imagine any users who have previous experience
with Outlook would find that very frustrating and would submit a lot of
support incidents.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Brian Tillman

Patrick de Jongh said:
No what??

No you can't use a public Contacts folder as you describe. That's what the
Global Address List is for.
and why not??

Outlook uses whatever Contacts folder is in the delivery location; i.e., the
same data store as the Inbox. With Exchange, people should be using the
Exchange server as their mailbox, anyway, not a PST.


But why do you force me to use it this way!??
I just want it on my OWN way!!

i thought i could configure it on my OWN way??
that's why your exchange-server is bought by our company!!
and now your telling me it CAN'T!?

Again: very unprofessional of microsoft....
i thought you were a billion's company... but you're giving such stupid
I just don't get it why this function is not implemented........


Patrick de Jongh
Zeeman Vastgoed Beheer BV
Hoorn, The Netherlands

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

You don't seem to understand how these forums work. Those of us answering
questions are volunteers, donating our time and expertise to help people use
Outlook and other Microsoft applications. We don't work for Microsoft, nor
are we designers of these programs.

Furthermore, shouting and implying that people are stupid is simply bad
behavior in any venue. Perhaps the person you should be shouting at is the
one at your company who didn't ask this specific question about the
Exchange/Outlook feature set before purchasing Exchange.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Brian Tillman

Patrick de Jongh said:
But why do you force me to use it this way!??

I'm not forcing you to do anything.
I just want it on my OWN way!!

Then buy a product that does it the way you want.
i thought i could configure it on my OWN way??

Obviously you didn't do enough research prior to buying the product.
that's why your exchange-server is bought by our company!!

It's not "my" exchange server.
and now your telling me it CAN'T!?

I'm telling you what the program can do. Don't argue with me about it.
Speak with Microsoft.
Again: very unprofessional of microsoft....
i thought you were a billion's company... but you're giving such
stupid answer!?

I wouldn't know what a billion dollars looked like if it bit me in the ass.
I just don't get it why this function is not implemented........

Make a wish. Write to outwish at microsoft dot com.


oh, i thought you worked for MS......
Because if you were, then i found you rather stupid.......

I'll have to make a wish @ Microsoft's Wishlist then......
and thanks for your not-helping-Answer....
Guess' i'll have to write my own COM........

and one other thing: don't act like i'm the only person who wants this
function disabled and you don't have to tell me wat to do and where to shout
at............because microsoft is telling that anything can be done with
there exchange-server (but it can't!), and you are the person who is
protecting microsoft........
so don't think it's the best....... in fact: it's the worst!!


P. de Jongh [MVP-Zeeman Vastgoed Beheer]

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