Can I delete Windows ?



I had problems with windows xo pro and could no longer boot up my hard drive
So I purchased and other hard drive and started out fresh. Everything
working great I was even able to veiw the orig hard drive (B) But now every
time I reboot it wants to know what windows I want to boot to and sometimes
wont give me a choice. Can I just delete windows fro drive (B)?
Or can I just remove the boot lines in c:\boot.ini ?


I had problems with windows xo pro and could no longer boot up my hard drive
So I purchased and other hard drive and started out fresh. Everything
working great I was even able to veiw the orig hard drive (B) But now every
time I reboot it wants to know what windows I want to boot to and sometimes
wont give me a choice. Can I just delete windows fro drive (B)?
Or can I just remove the boot lines in c:\boot.ini ?

When you added the second drive and installed where was it attached?

What is your setup of drive order? Master/Slave, ex: Master(old, new
drive?) etc.........Where did your fresh install go? Is (B) in fact the
old install?

Little info if you can.............

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You can both remove the \Windows directory from the old drive, and edit
boot.ini to remove the reference to the old installation. What you likely
cannot do is format the old drive or delete the boot files on it, as the
system still likely boots from it unless you changed the physical
configuration prior to installing on the new drive.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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