Can Excel automatically change the font color of an expired date?



I am tracking expiration dates for training. With numerous people working
for me, tracking their training is vital, and the easiest view for all
training classes required is on Excel. I am wondering if Excel can
automatically change the color of a date that I input as the expiration date
approaches and as it passes.

I appreciate any help. If it is capable of doing this task, I cannot find
how to do it.


Have a look at conditional formatting. You can use Cell Value Is less than
=TODAY() to flag dates before the current date and Cell Value Is less that
=TODAY()+7 to flag dates within the next week. Choose your formats to suit
your requirements.


I have a similiar question except that I have two columns. One with a start
date, the second column automatically updates to show a date 30 days from
that date something is due. What I'm trying to do is change the color of
that column to red after the 30 days have expired to show these personnel are
over due.


Use conditional formatting

a2 = start date
b2 = due date

in b2 add conditional format
Format as required.



I'm sorry I'm not real computer literate, can you tell me how exactly to
write I keep getting errors.


in the cell that has the due date, I'll assume this is B2

From the main Menu Format -> Conditional Formating...
Change the "Cell Value is" to "Formula I2"

Then in the formula area put

Note thats > not the < I put first time :)
This checks the date against today(), (which will change each day)
and returns 1 or 0
If 1 (ie TRUE) then the formatting will be activated.
So choose your formatting
Something like a Red Background will probably be sufficient
Click OK and it should work
Use the Fromat Painter button to copy and paste the format to the whole



It didn't work. Maybe I said this wrong: Here is the scenerio again.
One column with a start date, the second column automatically updates to
show a date 30 from the start date to show when the next update is due. What
I’m trying to do is change the color of the updated column to red once that
date is over due. Ex. Start date is 26 Oct 2006; update reads “26 Nov 2006
and now it is 05 Dec 2006 so now “26 Nov 2006 should turn red. Thank you J


Ok I think I got it. I changed the line that reads
=IF(L3>TODAY(),1,0) to read
=IF(L3<TODAY(),1,0) and it turned on, is this right?


Whoops got it right the first time and confused us both
by changing it

Glad you got there, thanks for the feedback


Ok I think I got it. I changed the line that reads
=IF(L3>TODAY(),1,0) to read
=IF(L3<TODAY(),1,0) and it turned on, is this right?


No THANK YOU. Now I can go to sleep & "Ah" everyone @ work tomorrow. Thanks
for saving me & my job. God Bless you.:)

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