Calling GetByIndex for a SortedList with Custom Classes.



Hi There.

I have a SortedList collection that I add objects of a custom class
to. Rather then explain my app, my question is pretty general so....

Using a simple clsDog:

clsDog boomer = new clsDog();
clsDog spot = new clsDog();
clsDog benjy = new clsDog();

SortedList listPets = new SortedList();
listPets.Add ("boomer", boomer);
listPets.Add ("spot", spot);
listPets.Add ("benjy", benjy);

So, at this point my list has sorted itself and I can verify the
indexes are good (ie, benjy is at index 0, boomer is at 1, spot is at

I realize that the .GetByIndex method has an "object" return type. So,
my understanding is that if I want to return the object at the 1st
index I'd use:

thisDog = (clsDog)listPets.GetByIndex(1);

Unfortunately, this theory is not working out as it appears no matter
the Index that I ask for the collection will always seem to return the
last object I touched (in the above example object benjy is ALWAYS
returned, even though I return the proper key for the 1st index of

I understand that there might be other issues, but after wasting much
of the afternoon I just wanted to make sure I was on the correct


Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

arby said:
I have a SortedList collection that I add objects of a custom class
to. Rather then explain my app, my question is pretty general so....

Using a simple clsDog:

clsDog boomer = new clsDog();
clsDog spot = new clsDog();
clsDog benjy = new clsDog();

SortedList listPets = new SortedList();
listPets.Add ("boomer", boomer);
listPets.Add ("spot", spot);
listPets.Add ("benjy", benjy);

So, at this point my list has sorted itself and I can verify the
indexes are good (ie, benjy is at index 0, boomer is at 1, spot is at

I realize that the .GetByIndex method has an "object" return type. So,
my understanding is that if I want to return the object at the 1st
index I'd use:

thisDog = (clsDog)listPets.GetByIndex(1);

Unfortunately, this theory is not working out as it appears no matter
the Index that I ask for the collection will always seem to return the
last object I touched (in the above example object benjy is ALWAYS
returned, even though I return the proper key for the 1st index of

With your code, I can't reproduce the problem. Here's a short but
complete program which *doesn't* demonstrate the problem, but appears
to be basically the same as your code:

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class Dog
string name;

public Dog (string name)
{ = name;

public override string ToString()
return name;

public class Test
static void Main()
Dog boomer = new Dog("boomer");
Dog spot = new Dog("spot");
Dog benjy = new Dog("benjy");

SortedList pets = new SortedList();
pets.Add("boomer", boomer);
pets.Add("spot", spot);
pets.Add("benjy", benjy);

Console.WriteLine (pets.GetByIndex(1));

(Output is "boomer" as expected, rather than "benjy" as you suggest.)

Please post a similar short but complete program which *does*
demonstrate the problem.


Hi John,

Thanks for the response. Actually, late last night I discovered the
issue and it was unrelated to the list, rather the object getting
passed to the list was never get changed - although the key was
(basically a bug on my end).


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