Call .cab from my app

  • Thread starter Eduardo S.E. de Castro
  • Start date

Eduardo S.E. de Castro

I'm created my app and I want to run a .cab when a user open the app, I
tried to use the same method that I use to open Internet Explorer, but it
doesn't work.

String strProgPath = "\\"; //Path is correct, I verified the path
ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo();
CreateProcess(strProgPath, "file://"+ sfDialog.FileName, pi);

Nothing happens, if I use "IExplore.exe", it runs.

Eduardo S.E. de Castro - MCSA/MCP

Chris Tacke, eMVP

It's becasue CAB files cannot be "run". They are extracted with
wceload.exe, so you need to run wceload with the CAB path as a parameter.
Something like this:

CreateProcess("wceload.exe", cabPathAndName, pi);


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