California network using Holland dial-up numbers?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Radium
  • Start date Start date



Is it possible for an individual in California to connect to a dial-up
network in Holland by dialing an international number than connects to
a modem in the Netherlands?

How much would this cost?



P.S. I don't actually plan to do this, however, I like the sound of
dial-modems combined with the tones resulting from the "negotiations"
of the phone systems on the way from CA to Holland and then back.

Is it possible for an individual in California to connect to a dial-up
network in Holland by dialing an international number than connects to
a modem in the Netherlands?


How much would this cost?

ask your phone company for rates



P.S. I don't actually plan to do this, however,

par for the course?

I like the sound of
dial-modems combined with the tones resulting from the "negotiations"
of the phone systems on the way from CA to Holland and then back.

You should tape record 20 seconds then loop it so you can
play that on an MP3 player. Not really, but it makes as
much sense as your post.
On 11 May 2007 11:24:51 -0700, Radium <[email protected]>
ask your phone company for rates
par for the course?
You should tape record 20 seconds then loop it so you can
play that on an MP3 player. Not really, but it makes as
much sense as your post.

Screw MP3s. Their audio quality is to the ear what human kakaa is to
the nose.

Read my opinions on audio compression schemes:

Anyways, back to the phone subject.

Where can I find dial-numbers that lead to remote computers in

To dial to Holland: 011-31 and then the number

All Dutch telephone numbers start with 011-31.

I am looking for dial-up access number in Holland.
Screw MP3s. Their audio quality is to the ear what human kakaa is to
the nose.

Enncoded well, it is higher fidelity than a POTS.

Don't need to, you already demonstrated loonacy and no
particular goal. As such, there is no quality requirement.

Anyways, back to the phone subject.

Where can I find dial-numbers that lead to remote computers in

You're an idiot. Get some purpose in life. Something,
anything, some useful goal as deemed such by others.