CalendarControl with Parameter Query


Matt W.

Access 2002:
I'm trying to develop a query that allows a user to select a date range
using the calendar control.
So far, I've created a form with the calendar control and began to create my
query. The problem that I'm having is when I go to expression builder within
the query, then navigate to my form, there is no field for the calendar
control. Is what I'm attempting even possible? If so, any help is appreciated.



The calendar control is used to place a value in a text box. The query
would then reference the text box.



Gina Whipp


Not usre I understand... Are you trying to open your calendar from the
query? If that is what you are trying to do then no you can't do that. You
can open a query from a form but not visa verca. If that's not it please
provide a wee bit more explanation.

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Matt W.

That makes sense. However now I'm having trouble referencing the calendar
from the text box. Do I do this in the text box properties, control source?

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