Calendar View in Navigation Pane



For an reason unknown to me my little calendar at the top of the Navigation
Pain :) in Outlook has doubled, maybe tripled in size. Does anyone have any
suggestions how I might restore it to it's original small size? Nothing else
has changed in the Pane but that. I used to use it to navigate through my
calendar dates but now it's so large I only see part of it and I'm not going
to enlarge my navigation pane and lose valuable viewing real estate. Thanks

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Tools->options->advanced options->other->appearance. What is the font size set for the Date Navigator?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, jack asked:

| For an reason unknown to me my little calendar at the top of the
| Navigation Pain :) in Outlook has doubled, maybe tripled in size.
| Does anyone have any suggestions how I might restore it to it's
| original small size? Nothing else has changed in the Pane but that.
| I used to use it to navigate through my calendar dates but now it's
| so large I only see part of it and I'm not going to enlarge my
| navigation pane and lose valuable viewing real estate. Thanks anyone!

Roady [MVP]

Version of Outlook?
What exactly is larger? The font or is it now showing more than one month?


Thanks! It said 16pt Tahoma. How it got set is a wonder. It's an area I
very seldom go into and I don't as a rule change font sizes, etc. Very good!
Thank you kindly and have a blessed day.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Glad you got it sorted out.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, jack asked:

| Thanks! It said 16pt Tahoma. How it got set is a wonder. It's an
| area I very seldom go into and I don't as a rule change font sizes,
| etc. Very good! Thank you kindly and have a blessed day.
|| Tools->options->advanced options->other->appearance. What is the
|| font size set for the Date Navigator?
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, jack asked:
||| For an reason unknown to me my little calendar at the top of the
||| Navigation Pain :) in Outlook has doubled, maybe tripled in size.
||| Does anyone have any suggestions how I might restore it to it's
||| original small size? Nothing else has changed in the Pane but that.
||| I used to use it to navigate through my calendar dates but now it's
||| so large I only see part of it and I'm not going to enlarge my
||| navigation pane and lose valuable viewing real estate. Thanks
||| anyone!

Roberta (rjp)

Milly said:
Tools->options->advanced options->other->appearance. What is the font size set for the Date Navigator?

Milly, If you're still there after a year, perhaps you could help me as
well. I Installed Office 2000 on a new Dell 1520 running XP. In trying to
tweak Office so I could use Outlook again on a more conveniently located
'puter, unlike Jack, I altered font sizes so I could read them better. When I
booted this a.m. I found that date navigator had disappeared, apparently
beneath the task pad. However, in trying to re-size the task pad, neither the
horizontal or vertical boundaries moved. The only thing I get is a solid
black line.

I went back in and changed all the fonts back to Tahoma 9 pt, but date
navigator remains missing. I sure hope you can help. Also would appreciate
help from any who has my answer. Thanks


Roberta I would consider re-entering the question at the top of the posts.
It's not very frequent that you get and answer from this far back. I was
surprised. So give that a shot, use the same title, Calendar View in
Navigation Pane, if you care to. Good Luck!

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