Calculation in left corner



I have inherited a workbook that consolidates 8 other text files (data
dumps). In the code the application.calculation is set to xlmanual and then
at the end of the VBA the workbook is calculated and the
application.calculation = xlAutomatic and the statusbar is set to false.
Why would the Calculation prompt remain in the statusbar at the bottom left
of the EXCEL application? Is there some type of error occurring that causes
this to remain? If I close out of EXCEL and reopen, the Calculation is gone
from the bottom corner. but as soon as I open the resulting workbook created
from the VBA, it reappears AND the calculation option (radio button) is set
to automatic.

I've tried running a small script to clear the statusbar, but it keeps
coming back.

Gord Dibben


application.calculation = xlAutomatic is pre xl97 I believe.

Try Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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