calculation help please


james horne

Hi i am trying to calculate my rent account in an excel worksheet but every
time i enter a sum function to get a running total i get an error? for
example i get a charge once a fortnight and say my balance is £600 i want to
add the charges every fortnight then take away the payment every month and
leave a balance and so on until i am clear or so i tried
=sum(balance,+charge,-payment)and hit enter but nothing please help

Joe User

james horne said:
=sum(balance,+charge,-payment)and hit enter but nothing

First, it will be difficult to offer constructive help without a specific
example, with real numbers, real formulas and real cell references.

Second, it is unclear what "but nothing" means. That seems different from
"get an error". But both descriptions are too vague. If you get an Excel
error indication, which one (e.g. #VALUE, #NUM). If you get "erroneous"
(unexpected) numbers, what numbers, and what did you expect?

Finally, you probably so not need to use the SUM function -- although
ironically, that is more likely to mask errors than it would cause them.

If the previous balance is in D1, the current charges are in B2, and the
current payment is in C2, the current balance in D2 might be:


As you copy the formula down column D, the cell references will update

But that's pretty close to what you have already; so that might not be
helpful. Again, please post specifics.

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