Calculating/Expressions in a Report


George Reamy

I'm trying to have my report calculate salary increases
and show the increases in a separate column. I am using
the following formula: =[Salary Increase]!Salary-[Salary
Increase]![Original Salary].

Unfortunately, I get a column that says "error" by
everyone's name. If it makes any difference, the
[Original Salary] field in the query I'm using for the
text box is a calculated field.


--George Reamy


George said:
I'm trying to have my report calculate salary increases
and show the increases in a separate column. I am using
the following formula: =[Salary Increase]!Salary-[Salary
Increase]![Original Salary].

Unfortunately, I get a column that says "error" by
everyone's name. If it makes any difference, the
[Original Salary] field in the query I'm using for the
text box is a calculated field.


--George Reamy
Assuming your formula is correct, try:

=[Salary]-[Original Salary]

I assume the above 2 fields are included in the report's recordsource.

Make sure the NAME of this control is not Salary or Original Salary.

George Reamy


I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not sure what, exactly, a
control name is. What I'm doing is going to the text box
in design view and then opening up the properties. Then
I build the expression in the control source. Where do I
name the control at?

Thanks for bearing with me. I know this must be
incredibly simple to you.

-----Original Message-----
George said:
I'm trying to have my report calculate salary increases
and show the increases in a separate column. I am using
the following formula: =[Salary Increase]!Salary- [Salary
Increase]![Original Salary].

Unfortunately, I get a column that says "error" by
everyone's name. If it makes any difference, the
[Original Salary] field in the query I'm using for the
text box is a calculated field.


--George Reamy
Assuming your formula is correct, try:

=[Salary]-[Original Salary]

I assume the above 2 fields are included in the report's recordsource.

Make sure the NAME of this control is not Salary or Original Salary.
Please reply only to this newsgroup.
I do not respond to personal e-mail.

Larry Linson

In the Control property sheet, click the Other tab and the first item will
be the name of the Control -- you can change it right then and there. But,
if there are existing references to it in code or expressions in other
controls, you'll have to check and change those manually. That is why you
want to do this as early in the process as possible.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

George Reamy said:

I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not sure what, exactly, a
control name is. What I'm doing is going to the text box
in design view and then opening up the properties. Then
I build the expression in the control source. Where do I
name the control at?

Thanks for bearing with me. I know this must be
incredibly simple to you.

-----Original Message-----
George said:
I'm trying to have my report calculate salary increases
and show the increases in a separate column. I am using
the following formula: =[Salary Increase]!Salary- [Salary
Increase]![Original Salary].

Unfortunately, I get a column that says "error" by
everyone's name. If it makes any difference, the
[Original Salary] field in the query I'm using for the
text box is a calculated field.


--George Reamy
Assuming your formula is correct, try:

=[Salary]-[Original Salary]

I assume the above 2 fields are included in the report's recordsource.

Make sure the NAME of this control is not Salary or Original Salary.
Please reply only to this newsgroup.
I do not respond to personal e-mail.

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