calculating dates - please help



having problems calculating shipping dates. this is the situation. customer
orders, product in then schedulled to ship ten business day later (not
including weekends). the approripate days need to be aded on. also product
cannot be shipped on weekend. not sure where to begin. anyone have a


Not intending to be a smart... .,,,,,, here but, do try a search.

in the above "Search For" fill in "calculating dates" and In: Access, while
I can't remember specifics there are many postings that might help.

George Nicholson

Arvin Meyer has some code on his site you might find useful:
go to Downloads>CodeDownloads : GetBusinessDay

A very straightforward function where you supply today's date and how many
Bdays in the future/past you want returned.
It requires a "Holidays" table, but, if necessary, that requirement can be
worked around (even if only temporarily) if you know VBA & look at the code
for 1 minute.

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