calculated member analysis services


michael vardinghus


If I shoot this off against an 2005 cube from excel 2007 it works:

Sub UseCalculatedMember()
Dim pvtTable As PivotTable

Set pvtTable = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").PivotTable

' Add the calculated member.
pvtTable.CalculatedMembers.Add Name:="[Measures].[test3]",
Formula:="'[Measures].[Actual Unit Cost]'", Type:=xlCalculatedMeausure
End Sub

Howerver. If I try doin the same against a 2000 analysis services cube it
fails with

run-time error 1004
application-defined or object-define error

I tried changing the formula to 1000 instead of certain calculated measure
and then it works. Cant excel 2007 vba create calculated measure againt
analysis services 2000 cube?

Jim Cone

According to my Excel 2000 help file, there is no CalculatedMembers property for a pivot table. However, XL2002 does provide that
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA

"michael vardinghus" <xx>
wrote in message
If I shoot this off against an 2005 cube from excel 2007 it works:

Sub UseCalculatedMember()
Dim pvtTable As PivotTable
Set pvtTable = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").PivotTable
' Add the calculated member.
pvtTable.CalculatedMembers.Add Name:="[Measures].[test3]",
Formula:="'[Measures].[Actual Unit Cost]'", Type:=xlCalculatedMeausure
End Sub

Howerver. If I try doin the same against a 2000 analysis services cube it
fails with
run-time error 1004
application-defined or object-define error
I tried changing the formula to 1000 instead of certain calculated measure
and then it works. Cant excel 2007 vba create calculated measure againt
analysis services 2000 cube?

michael vardinghus

A lot of version numbers in this.

Its not about old excel version - its about how excel 2007 is able to create
this at different versions of Analysis Services.

I read an article about XL2002 and i beleive it with that version was
possible to create against Analysis Services 2000. However when i use excel
i seem only to be able to create against Analysis Services 2005.

Ive googled a lot and wanted to hear if someone tried against AS 2000 from
excel 2007.