Calculate lead time for a non european country



I am in charge of calculating the leadtime between orders received date and
time VS Orders delievered to the client. The problem is that the concerned
logistics facility is located in a country where week ends starts from
Thusrday 2 pm until Saturday 08:30 am.
The datas are entered like "dd:mm:yy hh:mm"
I would like a formula which gives me for the below datas :
15/03/07 10:00 (start) 17/03/07 13:00 (End) = Lead time in dd:hh:mm On this
case, I would like the resuly to show 00:17:00 which is 17 hours (Thursday
from 10:00 to 14:00 = 4 hours and Saturday from 00:00 to 13:00 = 13 hours.
Total = 4 + 13 = 17 hours). I would also like the formula to remove the
holidays listed on a separate sheet.

Fred Smith

I don't understand how you get your result of 17 hours, but, regardless, it
should be a simple matter of adding and subtracting times.

I would put your weekend start and end times in separate cells, eg:

A1 = 15/03/07 14:00
A2 = 17/03/07 08:30
Make sure these are stored as date/times in Excel.

If your other times are in A3 and A4, as in:
A3 = 15/03/07 10:00
A4 = 17/03/07 13:00

your lead time result would be:

Format as a time, as in [hh]:mm

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