calcualting a cell within a cell




I wonder, if this is possible.

I have three diff formulas in three cells, like below.

B1: =formula 1
B2: =formula 2
B3: =formula 3

In cell A1, i have a list of dates. now when i select a date eg. 1,
then the formula in A2, should go to cell B1 and then again calculate
the formula entered within cell B1.

Please help. Thanks in advance.


KC Rippstein

You might try being more specific, as I'm not sure I follow you.
If I understand you correctly, you have a data validation list set up on
cell A1. I will assume the list itself is set up in J1:J3.
Then in A2, you want it to give you the answer to B1 if the first entry is
selected, the answer to B2 if the second entry is selected, or the answer to
B3 if the third entry is selected.
So in A2, =if(A1=J1,B1,if(A1=J2,B2,if(A1=J3,B3,"")))
Is this what you want?
- KC


yes its correct with small diff, that is, Cell B1 contains one more
formula eg: B1=4+5

Now, as you mentioned below, when A1=J1, then Cell A2 should go to cell
B1 and then calculate the forlmula entered in the cell.

Hope I am clear this.

thanks for the help.


KC Rippstein

Sorry, I don't understand what you are after. I already assumed that you
had formulas in B1, B2, and B3.
You cannot tell A2 to look at A1 and then run the formula in another cell.
A2 can only change the value in A2, it cannot tell B1 to do something. It
can look at A1 to determine whether to show you the answer from B1, B2, or

Have you thought about just setting up B1
Then you would not even need your idea regarding A2. B1 would always give
you the right answer based on what it found in A1.

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