Cacheing Business Objects


Thom Anderson

Hi, I have some business objects that are pretty simple. They get
instantiated and have a few properties, methods, and events. The business
objects talk to the database directly or access web services. But 99% of
the time when they are instantiated or initially used, they access a
database and receive a datatable.

Can someone show me how to do the following;
1) cache the business object in a way that it gets used by all of the users
to the web site. I would like to store it so that each subsequental user
does not cause the database to run the query again and I do not use up the
web server memory. Maybe after 5 minutes it can be emptyied from the cache?
2) cache the business object on a per user basis, so that once the users
session starts the object gets created and doesn't have to go back to the
server to run the query again. Unless maybe their session expires.

Does this make sense? You can talk back to me using a foo{} fake class
object. I will understand. I use 1.1 but will use 2.0 and maybe 3.0 next


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