C# Console application does not show System.Windows.Forms



I have a C# console application and I need pop up a Messagebox. However the
does not show for using System.Windows.Forms; So, the application does not
recognize the MessageBox. Please advice. Thanks!

Brian Pelton

By default, Console apps do not reference System.Windows.Forms, which is
where the MessageBox.Show method lives. You can add the reference so
you can use MessageBox.Show, but I'm not sure if there are downsides to
doing that...



Welcome to MSDN Newsgroup!

If we want to pop up messagebox in console app, we should add the reference
to System.Windows.Forms.dll. You could refer to the following code and I
hope it's useful for you,

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code to start application here
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Hello World");

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Best Regards,

Terry Fei[MSFT]
Microsoft Community Support
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I am glad to know that the problem is resolved now. It's really been a
pleasure working with

Best Regards,

Terry Fei[MSFT]
Microsoft Community Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
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