C++/CLI and fixed size buffers



From the same C++ source code, I'm attempting to generate both an unmanaged
DLL and a managed assembly. This will eliminate interop as the calling code
is slowly migrated to .NET.
However, C++ native compilation allows fixed size buffers (e.g. char
pathName[128]) which we've used to represent a memory mapped file, and I
can't find out how to implement the same in C++/CLI

#ifdef _MANAGED
ref class MyClass
class MyClass
char pathName[128];

For managed compilation, a compiler error is given saying that mixed types
are not supported.

In C# unsafe code blocks, the fixed keyword is available for fixed size
public fixed char pathName[128];

What is the equivalent in C++/CLI?

Nishant Sivakumar

Something like this :-

ref class R
array<char>^ arr;
arr = gcnew array<char>(128);

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