C# certification exam?




i am preparing for the C# certification(MCTS) 70-536 exam.i bought two
prescribed books and using internet resource.

can any one have C# dump or any material regarding please send to my id
(e-mail address removed)

thanku in advance.


Mark Rae

i am preparing for the C# certification(MCTS) 70-536 exam.i bought two
prescribed books and using internet resource.

can any one have C# dump or any material regarding

The entire set of questions for this "certification", like all the other
Microsoft "certifications", is readily available on the Internet - all you
need is to spend a small amount of money, and learn every question and
answer the evening before you take the test.

Do a Google search - here's a site to get you started:

These "certifications" are totally worthless - you don't need to know a
single thing about the subject - all you need to do is be able to remember a
load of pointless facts for a few hours.

Joel Silva


imho it is hard to believe that such a certification is worthless. And
it is also hard to believe that you can keep your job if you just
remember those facts for a few hours.

Maybe I am wrong, but as I see it, if you really study for it you get a
solid base about the subjects. Obviously, it does not prove that you can
implement great solutions at work.
Something I noticed when quickly reading through the chapters, is that
most of the lessons just touch the surface of the different subjects.
Maybe having other literature to complement these "self-training" books
is not a bad idea. But anyway, just a thought.

Do you have any certification?

a nice day to all.


Mark Rae

imho it is hard to believe that such a certification is worthless.

And it is also hard to believe that you can keep your job if you just
remember those facts for a few hours.

??? But this is the whole point!!! You don't need to "remember" any of this
stuff - it's just minutiae that you would look up in a few seconds... You
keep your job by being able to implement the right solution for the business
Maybe I am wrong, but as I see it, if you really study for it you get a
solid base about the subjects. Obviously, it does not prove that you can
implement great solutions at work.

That's absolutely correct!
Something I noticed when quickly reading through the chapters, is that
most of the lessons just touch the surface of the different subjects.

Once again, you're absolutely correct!
Maybe having other literature to complement these "self-training" books is
not a bad idea. But anyway, just a thought.

In which case, why bother with the "certification" at all...?
Do you have any certification?

Of course not - what on earth for...?


here! here!

Mark Rae said:
??? But this is the whole point!!! You don't need to "remember" any of
this stuff - it's just minutiae that you would look up in a few seconds...
You keep your job by being able to implement the right solution for the
business problem.

That's absolutely correct!

Once again, you're absolutely correct!

In which case, why bother with the "certification" at all...?

Of course not - what on earth for...?

Otis Mukinfus

The entire set of questions for this "certification", like all the other
Microsoft "certifications", is readily available on the Internet - all you
need is to spend a small amount of money, and learn every question and
answer the evening before you take the test.

Do a Google search - here's a site to get you started:

These "certifications" are totally worthless - you don't need to know a
single thing about the subject - all you need to do is be able to remember a
load of pointless facts for a few hours.

Well said, Mark.

Get GOOD reference books, then use your ability to logically decide how an
application should perform. Study the language and system architecture and what
they provide. This will help you to know what is available for solving
development problems.

Don't just ask questions about how to do this or that. You will learn much more
by figuring it out for yourself. You might even learn enough to help someone
else. If you just can't figure it out, then seek advice.

I see questions all the time that could have been answered by the poster if they
had taken the ten minutes it takes to create a small project to test their
theory. With the VS tools that are available with all versions it only takes a
few minutes to create a project, test it and delete it.

Good luck with your project,

Otis Mukinfus

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