Burning Vox Proxy Presentation to CD


Dave Henley

Hi, I am a student primary teacher and for my ict
assignment at Uni, I have created a Powerpoint
Presentation for use by Primary children. I have used a
trial version of Vox Proxy and now need to copy it to a
cd. As I am using a trial copy of Vox Proxy, it will not
allow me to do this because I haven't got access to the
full software.

Is anyone aware of someone who has a copy of Vox Proxy and
would be willing to copy it to CD for me. I would be
willing to pay a nominal fee for this service. As I only
need 1 copy for my assignment, purchasing the full version
at $249 is somewhat prohibit for a student.

I would be very grateful if there was someone who could

Thank you
Dave Henley

Bill Dilworth

Dave, Dave, Dave ....

So, you build this presentation and a co-worker likes it. In fact he likes
it sooo much, that he sells thousands of copies of it at $30 a piece. You
ask him, "How much is my cut?", and he answers, "what cut?"

If you want the functionality, you will need to spend the money, or contact
the Vox Proxy to see if they offer an education discount. You may also want
to do some homework:

Right Seat Software, Inc.
1110 12st Street
Golden, Colorado 80401-0712

Bill Dilworth
Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out www.pptfaq.com This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.

Steve Rindsberg

Is anyone aware of someone who has a copy of Vox Proxy and
would be willing to copy it to CD for me. I would be
willing to pay a nominal fee for this service. As I only
need 1 copy for my assignment, purchasing the full version
at $249 is somewhat prohibit for a student.

The guy next door has a lovely Jaguar that I'd love to take for a spin,
especially since I can't afford one of my own.

For a modest fee, would you ... err ... borrow his car keys and loan them to
me for the afternoon?

The folks who publish Vox Proxy are incredibly nice people. Perhaps if you
explain your situation to them they'll be willing to help out. If so, great.
If not, that's their right.

Borrowing the keys to what's theirs isn't right.

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