Burning ISOs with C#



Morning all,

I'm writing an app to speed up distribution of updates to remote users
for some of our software. At the moment, it works like this:

1) CD Images (in the form of ISOs) exist in a folder on a server
2) CD Image is burnt to disc
3) CD is dispatched.

What I want to do is have the user select the software package and then
have the system burn the ISO to the CD/DVD-R drive attached to the
local machine.

I've googled this quite a bit, however I can only find references to
burning folders or music to disc, not ISOs. Infact I've had real
issues getting any kind of support for ISOs in windows and it wasn't
until I found the power toys that I could finally burn copies of discs
that I'd downloaded from the net!

Please help me before I go insane!


Kevin Spencer

There are a couple of APIs in the Windows Shell that you can use: ICDBurn
and ICDBurnExt. See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms538005.aspx
and http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714674.aspx for more
information on that.

Also, if you don't want to do unsafe coding with Windows APIs, there are a
couple of libraries you can buy that I found:


And here are a couple of reference articles in the ISO file format:



Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Bit Player

In case of Minimalism, break Philip Glass.

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