Build Diffrences from Command Line and Visual Studio .NET



I am building one of my setup project from command line using "". when i install from this msi , one of my functionality dowsnot
work. Now when I try the same from Visual Studio .NET editor, the
fucntionality works very fine. The functionality is in a dll. I checked the
version and size of the dll and they are same. But when i use "diff" to get
the difference, it says that the dlls are different. Now after this when I am
comparing the dlls from the VSS, then it is showing me some sort of crap. I
want to know Is there anything which the .NET editor adds to the dll code? I
want to raise this question to the product group as well. Kindly reply.

Lloyd Dupont

building from teh command line works fine.
however setting correct values for names of embeded resources, or maybe the
list of source files if they are in non trivial places (i.e. /recurse won't
do) is quite a pain.....

maybe you forget to say "/target:library" as well?

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