Bug on IE6 SP2 for CSS's overflow attribute



I found an annoying bug. Please, see the following HTML.

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 strict//en">
.test { border: solid 1px #000; }
Goal is to have a inner DIV element that hides the overflow.
<table width=200px border=1>
<td width=100px>TD1</td>
<td width=100px>TD2<br>
<div style="width:100px" class=test>
<div class=test>
<div class=test>
<div style="overflow:hidden;width:100%"
Notice that despite the fact the long string has
"overflow:hidden;width:100%", it is truncated by the browser,
but the DIV takes the original space to render, thus, affecting the size
of TD2

<table width=200px border=1>
<td width=100px>TD1</td>
<td width=100px>TD2<br>
<div style="width:100px" class=test>
<div style="position:relative;overflow-x:hidden;width:100px" class=test>
<div class=test>
<div class=test>ThisIsAVeryLongStringThatWillOverflow</div>



In MCalbu <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I found an annoying bug. Please, see the following HTML.

This newsgroup may or may not be being monitored by Microsoft at any given
time. This post, then, may or may not be seen by them. <g> So, instead, open
IE, click on help, and click on send feedback. If you think it's a security
risk see this page:

Report a Security Vulnerability


"And that recommendation, with the exaggerated estimate of my ability
with which he prefaced it, was, if you will believe me, Watson, the
very first thing which ever made me feel that a profession might be
made out of what had up to that time been the merest hobby."

Sherlock Holmes

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