Buffer Full or Queue Problem



I am getting an error while using MS Framework 1.1 that says "An operation
on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient
buffer space or because a queue was full". I saw a refrence to a hotfix that
you need to ask MS about. Does anyone have that hotfix or know an faster way
to get it?



Hi Chip,

I had the same problem. First check article:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;815209 and use the
enum.exe and info to check and/or change your protocol bindings.

If changing your network protocols doesn't work (didn't help me) then get
the hotfix from:

You need to call MS and refer to this article. They may not charge you
anything and will send you the hotfix in a password protected e-mail. The
reason it is not publically available is b/c it is still being regression
tested. I was told it will be a part of the .Net 1.1 service pack which I was
also told should be available this month.

Hope this helps,

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