Browser Window Does Not Maximize To Screen



I was browsing a web site today when I must have hit some
type of bad code and the browser crashed. Now when I
maximize the IE window, it stops an inch from the top of
the screen ~ as if it thinks that's where the top of the
screen is. Other applications do not have this problem --
they operate as normal. So only my IE browser is
effected. Where do I have to go into the Registry to
change this setting? Or,can I download a fix; or must I
try to reinstall the browser (is that even possible?)


With only the affected window open (and the taskbar NOT set to autohide)
grab the top of the taskbar and pull it up to twice its normal height. Then
close the window, resize the taskbar, reopen the window.
With only that window open, right click the taskbar and choose "tile
vertically" (horizontally should also work.)
Or (a registry edit)
Q194759 - New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen:



That did the trick. Thankx!

-----Original Message-----
With only the affected window open (and the taskbar NOT set to autohide)
grab the top of the taskbar and pull it up to twice its normal height. Then
close the window, resize the taskbar, reopen the window.
With only that window open, right click the taskbar and choose "tile
vertically" (horizontally should also work.)
Or (a registry edit)
Q194759 - New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen: 9.asp

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
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"Borillar" <anonymous[at]> wrote:
I was browsing a web site today when I must have hit some
type of bad code and the browser crashed. Now when I
maximize the IE window, it stops an inch from the top of
the screen ~ as if it thinks that's where the top of the
screen is. Other applications do not have this problem --
they operate as normal. So only my IE browser is
effected. Where do I have to go into the Registry to
change this setting? Or,can I download a fix; or must I
try to reinstall the browser (is that even possible?)



I have a similar problem but it is not IE. The Windows screen has been

The background is the full screen but all buttons I have set up have shifted
down 1 inch and the top 1 inch is then inactive, even though the background
is still there. I can see this happen during the boot. The screen is correct
during boot but just before it completes everything is shifted down 1 inch.
To make it worse, the Office buttons on the upper right corner, within this
1 inch dead area, is still active. Pop-ups can still use this top 1 inch.

It's almost like I have been infected with something but PestPatrol and
Spybot find nothing wrong.

Then to make it even more complicated, IE (or anything like word, explorer,
etc.) all cannot use this top 1 inch even when they have been 'maximize'd.
But then if I use the 'full screen' button it fills the whole screen. In
other words, the 'maximize' and 'full screen' are 2 different things. This
also shows there is nothing wrong with the monitor.

I would appreciate it if you have any further suggestions in correcting


DVarnau said:
With only the affected window open (and the taskbar NOT set to autohide)
grab the top of the taskbar and pull it up to twice its normal height. Then
close the window, resize the taskbar, reopen the window.
With only that window open, right click the taskbar and choose "tile
vertically" (horizontally should also work.)
Or (a registry edit)
Q194759 - New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen:

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- -- - -- - -- - -- -

Borillar said:
I was browsing a web site today when I must have hit some
type of bad code and the browser crashed. Now when I
maximize the IE window, it stops an inch from the top of
the screen ~ as if it thinks that's where the top of the
screen is. Other applications do not have this problem --
they operate as normal. So only my IE browser is
effected. Where do I have to go into the Registry to
change this setting? Or,can I download a fix; or must I
try to reinstall the browser (is that even possible?)

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