broken mutexing attempt



What is wrong with this code? What I expect from a mutex is that it can
only be locked once. There may be multiple objects pointing to the same
mutex (as there are in the sample code below), but I expect that once a
mutex is locked, no other object, no other process, nothing, should be able
to acquire a lock on that object until the first lock is released.

Instead, I see that both mutexes m1 and m2 are able to claim locks
simultaneously. That's broken, in my opinion, and not at all what I want.
How can I cause two handles to the same mutex to remain mutually
exclusive -- even from within the same thread?

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication356
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
bool createdNew;

//creates a new mutex
Mutex m1 = new Mutex(false, "MyMutex123", out createdNew);
Console.WriteLine("created new = {0}", createdNew);

//creates a second mutex object with a handle to the first object
Mutex m2 = new Mutex(false, "MyMutex123", out createdNew);
Console.WriteLine("created new = {0}", createdNew);

//lock the mutex named "MyMutex123"
Console.WriteLine("Claimed m1 = {0}", m1.WaitOne(10, false));

//this should fail, since "MyMutex123" is already locked, but it
//acquires a second lock! how can i cause this second lock attempt to
Console.WriteLine("Claimed m2 = {0}", m2.WaitOne(10, false));

//clean up

Joakim Karlsson

The same *thread* can request the same mutex several times. The thread
must release the mutex the same number of times it acquires it.


Joakim Karlsson

Instead, I see that both mutexes m1 and m2 are able to claim locks
Think about it. What you are suggesting is that a thread should be able
to dead lock with itself. How would that get resolved? In your code, if
m2.WaitOne() would hang unti m1 was released, nothing would happen
because m1 cannot be released because the m1.ReleaseMutex() statement
will never be reached...


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