Briefcase - replacement software or app somewhere?



I have been using the Briefcase function for about 2 years now. It has the
type of functionality I need.

The problem is that the sowftare is so unstable and non-user friendly and
then sometimes a really unattractive problem pops up which waste all the time
that the function used to save.

Does anyone know a replacement app that I can buy which is more robust?


fyi: I have had not many problems with Briefcase in the last 2 years - but
when it happens it is just maddening.

The latest one is - and why this started I don't know - any file name with
an Umlaut (the two dots above a letter) - are considered changed on both
computers. Since 2 years this was never an issue. Now it tells me that about
200 files are not going to synchronise becos Briefcase considers them changed
on both computers. It makes me want to throw things around the room. But I
will stay calm and feel better once someone has a replacement.

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