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John Kelly

Hi there PapaJohn,

The below message arrived a short while back, I am sure you will recognise the
name of the sender as well as understand what its about. I have of course
removed his e-mail address from the message.......Here it is..

Hi John,

My name is Andrew Brown, and I work with the Communities program at
Microsoft. I've seen your contributions to the Microsoft online
community in our Movie Maker newsgroups and would like to contact you to
discuss working more closely with Microsoft. If that sounds like
something you'd be interested in, please e-mail me at


Look forward to talking to you!

Andrew A. Brown
Microsoft Communities

I have been undecided about this, first I said no then yes and back to No and
so on etc. Unfortunately it would mean being associated with someone I would
really rather not be, even though it would mean some free software, and could
mean that I publish my own book etc etc.

I do not mean to throw any dark comments onto the MVP program. I have in the
past spoke with one or two real wizards and they are very good indeed, I know
the whole idea is great and it helps a lot of people who do not have the skills
of some of us, and I like that

This does not mean that I am leaving this newsgroup you understand, I enjoy
helping others and giving as best I can, detailed instructions on how to solve
their individual problems rather than the trap I sometimes fall into of saying
goto ...acceleration.....timeless. If I ever get around to it, perhaps we can
start having a weekly FAQ session, I'm sure there are lots who will appreciate
that. I can start by taking all the good ideas that others have come up with,
edit them into some sort of format and post the results here.

First, I'm very disappointed that you would choose to post a private
correspondence in a public forum like this. While I had not intended to make
this a public matter, you have forced my hand, so I have no choice but to
respond publically to clarify this situation.

My contact with you was a preliminary step to determine where and how you've
participated in Microsoft communities. Similar e-mails were sent out to
numerous other people based solely on statistics derived from postcount in
newsgroups. The e-mail you received was purely a request for further
information - I had not had a chance to review your contributions when I
sent that mail. I have since done so.

While the help you provide to users in this newsgroup is appreciated, your
conduct in regards to PapaJohn - this morning in particular - is not what we
expect from an MVP. While the selection process for MVP awarding is not
something we expose publically, I can say that technical expertise and
frequency of posting are not exclusively what we are looking for - patience
and maintaining a professional attitude are attributes we also value highly.
I view your statements to PapaJohn as being personal attacks, and I am
disappointed that you would choose to take the low road in this matter.

I believe that PapaJohn is an excellent representative of a Digital Media
MVP, because he has demonstrated expertise in regards to the Movie Maker
product and has given a great deal to this community, and also because he
maintains a positive, professional demeanor. I am sorry if you disagree with
this assessment. I am not going to post further on this subject as I do not
feel this is an appropriate forum to do so (and indeed would not have if you
had not chosen to make it so).


Andrew A. Brown
MVP Lead - Digital Media
conduct in regards to PapaJohn - this morning in particular - is not what we
expect from an MVP. [...] I believe that PapaJohn is an excellent
representative of a Digital Media
MVP, because he has demonstrated expertise in regards to the Movie Maker
product and has given a great deal to this community, and also because he
maintains a positive, professional demeanor.

Hear Hear! John Kelly appears to have brought nothing except dis-harmony to
this group. Whereas Papajohn, both personally and via his website, has
helped literally thousands of people, remaining patient and professional
Please supply the original message with full headers. Microsoft security acting
on my behalf are trying to track down this person, so far they have phoned me
twice to assure me he does not exist and that any email from him purporting to
be from Microsoft is a fraud...misrepresentaion is an offence in the UK as well
as the USA

In the meantime your own poor attempts....what a sad person you are...fighting
his battles for him...very sad person
Oh Hi again...I forgot to tell you, I thanked the presently missing A Brown and
told him I was not interested...I can send you the email if you like.....and you
thought you were upsetting god you have a lot to learn..anyway, if you
want to see the email, give us an address...I will include it with the list of
web address's we talked about know, the ones you can not find.
I bet you are kicking yourself you wish you had not made that post yet?
Alan ?? or is it Andrew??? or both ??