Borders in Netscape -- Please Help


Gail Miller


I have a Website in which my "secondary pages" have a 70% table with a 15px
border. (I'm trying for a look similar to a CSS box model.) However, while
the table and border show up just fine in IE 6 -- Netscape renders it as
3-dimensional w/ dark borders on the right and bottom; light borders on the
left and top.

I've searched Google to find that this appears to be "normal" behavior but I
need to find a workaround.

Someone suggested clicking anywhere on the table and adjusting the "table
properties" to reflect not only the "color" but "lightborder" and
"darkborder" as well. However, that is grayed-out (inaccessible) in my Front
Page Web.

Could someone look at my pages and give me suggestions for a fix? I do not
have a "DOCTYPE" declaration in the pages -- I don't know much about DOCTYPE
yet and so don't know if this would have an effect or not. -or-

Thanks in advance for any assistance. ... Gail Miller

Thomas A. Rowe

A workaround would be to used nested tables. Set the base table to 70%
width, with 15 pixel cell padding and burgundy cell color, then insert a
table set to 100% width and whatever padding looks best, and set the cell
background color to cream.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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