Boot to dos to create ghost image


Tim Gregory

If you boot to a 98 or dos boot disk and the file system
is NTFS then you will not be able to see it. What you
really want to do here is this:
1) Use partition magic to create a second FAT32 patition
on your hard drive.
2) Boot to the dos boot disk with ghost on it.
3) When you change to C: you will be seeing the FAT32
partition -- not your 'normal' C drive.
4) Run ghost and select disk to image.
5) ghost will be able to copy the NTFS partition, but you
must select C: as your destiniation.


You can use Partition Magic 7 to convert your G: backup drive to Fat32 and
use Ghost 2000 and do as Tim says, or leave your G: NTFS partition as it is
and purchase Ghost 2003 which now supports writing to NTFS partitions.

-- Paul

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