Boot Time


Jim Brown

When my system is booting right after the BIOS page I get a display
page that asks 'Please select the operating system to start.' It does not
cause a problem other then increasing boot time.
Is this page necessary or can I get rid of it somehow?

Thank you,
Jim Brown

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Carey Frisch [MVP]

Go to Start > Run and type in: MSCONFIG , and hit enter,
Click the BOOT.INI tab.
Next, click "Check All Boot Paths".
This procedure should correct your BOOT.INI file.

Also read:

I have two installations of XP on the same partition

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Michael Stevens]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| When my system is booting right after the BIOS page I get a display
| page that asks 'Please select the operating system to start.' It does not
| cause a problem other then increasing boot time.
| Is this page necessary or can I get rid of it somehow?
| --
| Thank you,
| Jim Brown

Don R

I ran into this same problem when I installed the Recovery Console on one of my computers. If you have more than one valid operating system you can shorten the time this option is displayed by right clicking My Computer then selecting properties - advanced - startup and recovery - settings. The default is 30 seconds. I shortened this time to 3 -5 seconds. That's enough time to see it and still not be a bother.

Don R

Chad Harris


Unless you have more than one OS, say you have just the Recovery Console
and one Windows XP installation, the highlight on this screen will default
to that Windows installation and if if you hit enter it will stop that
screen and its countdown whatever the seconds are set in boot.ini.

Chad Harris


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