Boot problem



Maybe iwasn't that clear on my first message:
i get this message whenver the machine boot and it stalls
can anyone help me i would very grateful:
please what can i do ? it won't even start at safe mode.
thank you in advance

Aurelien [MS]

kali said:
Maybe iwasn't that clear on my first message:
i get this message whenver the machine boot and it stalls
can anyone help me i would very grateful:
please what can i do ? it won't even start at safe mode.
thank you in advance

Hi Kali,

Typically, this error appears when a boot driver fails to initialize the
boot device (hard disk in general).
Installing a new SCSI adapter or disk controller might induce this error.
- If you have installed a new device or a new adapter, try to remove it.
- In the recovery console, you can also launch a chkdsk /r to check and
repair the disk integrity.

A lot of known issue with stop 0x7b are listed in the microsoft knowledg
base. Please have a look in it and check if it meets your problem.;EN-US;KBHOWTO&sd=GN&ln=EN-US

Use the key word "0x0000007B"

Aurelien Goillot
Microsoft France


I have an old DOS 6.2 (I think) boot floppy, which somehow
destroys the hard drive master boot record resulting in
same behavior as you describe. The only sure fire solution
is to start from scratch and reformat the offending boot
hard drive. You have to do fdisk with option to restore
the Master Boot Record . I think, not sure, it is
Do FDISK ? to get help and to display the options.

would you please refrain from giving your solution to
anybody! It is the standard MS solution (run chkdsk),
which WILL not work on DEAD system! You need working
system to run DOS chkdsk. I wish someone in Redmond would
take this nonsense out of the Windows and publicly admit
that when things go south this bleeding edge technology
has to fall back on DOS to recover in too many cases!

Cheers Vaclav

The susgest

Aurelien [MS]

<[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
I have an old DOS 6.2 (I think) boot floppy, which somehow
destroys the hard drive master boot record resulting in
same behavior as you describe. The only sure fire solution
is to start from scratch and reformat the offending boot
hard drive. You have to do fdisk with option to restore
the Master Boot Record . I think, not sure, it is
Do FDISK ? to get help and to display the options.

would you please refrain from giving your solution to
anybody! It is the standard MS solution (run chkdsk),
which WILL not work on DEAD system! You need working
system to run DOS chkdsk. I wish someone in Redmond would
take this nonsense out of the Windows and publicly admit
that when things go south this bleeding edge technology
has to fall back on DOS to recover in too many cases!

Cheers Vaclav

The susgest


As I said before the stop 0x7b appears because of a a boot device
initialisation faillure.
That could be due to:
- corrupted scsi adapter or disk controler
- disk corruption
- system corruption

I am sure that to format the system and fix the master boot record will work
but this is not always the smartest solution, expecially on servers.

So before formating the system I propose to you the following tests:
- If you have installed a new device or a new adapter, try to remove it.
=> test if the computer boots correctly
- In the recovery console, you can also launch a chkdsk /r to check and
repair the disk integrity.
=> test if the computer boots correctly
- In recovery console launch a system reparation

=> test if the computer boots correctly

The better solution will be to analyse the memory.dmp generated to directly
point on the problem, but that could not be done on newsgroup.

Hope that it will help

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